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  • 卡尔文·霍弗在最佳西部音乐节期间指挥CMU管乐交响乐团


  • Darin Kamstra works with percussion student Autumn Kelly

    Darin Kamstra works with percussion student Autumn Kelly.


pp电子极速糖果担任了17年的音乐系系主任之后, Calvin Hofer, DMA, 是否会辞职,以便专注于学院的教学,并继续培养支持学生成功和院系发展的项目. As the longest-serving department head currently on campus, Hofer has many achievements under his belt.

Under his direction, 音乐系经过了全国音乐学院协会(NASM)的两次实地考察才获得认证. 在2010年NASM的实地考察之后,Hofer被邀请在NASM会议上就如何准备有效的自学进行演讲. 这次演讲使他被邀请成为NASM的实地考察评估员,并被同行选举为NASM认证委员会成员. Hofer currently has two years left on his second term. 

负责学术事务的副校长库尔特·哈斯(Kurt Haas)认为,霍弗在学术严谨和音乐创业方面的共同追求,在合适的时间为CMU蓬勃发展的艺术项目提供了合适的平衡.

“在音乐和艺术面临全国性挑战的时代,CMU的音乐项目在Hofer的带领下发展壮大. 他对认证的承诺和对学术严谨性的追求不仅是学生和教师招聘的基础, but many other good things happening in the arts here at CMU,” said Haas.

Hofer also initiated several community outreach projects, 哪些因素对CMU学生奖学金的募集产生了影响. In 2011, he started the Middle School Music Camp. This event attracted more than 200 campers in 2018, who participated in choir, orchestra and band in addition to enrichment courses. 中学音乐夏令营每年为CMU学生筹集约10,000美元的奖学金.

In 2011, Hofer started the Grand Junction Rockestra. Hofer continues to direct the symphonic rock orchestra, which raises about $15,000 per year in scholarships.

“Dr. 在将创业精神融入音乐系的文化和课程方面,霍弗是个有远见的人,” said CMU President Tim Foster. “The leadership of Dr. 霍弗鼓励学生们追随自己的艺术激情,以一种有意义的生活方式,同时也通过音乐谋生. 洛克斯特拉只是霍费尔在任期间为CMU带来创造力的一个例子.”

在霍弗的领导下,音乐系取得了巨大的发展. During his tenure as department head, 音乐专业的学生数量在过去两年中增加了两倍,达到了有史以来的最高水平. 筹集和分配的奖学金金额也增加了两倍. Additionally, 全职教师的职位从4个增加到11个,并在该系的学位课程中增加了两个新项目. 根据高等教育艺术数据服务的最新数据,音乐系的排名在80位th 音乐专业的学生人数占CMU全职教师人数的百分之十五th percentile for budget received.

“作为系主任,我最喜欢的是与优秀的教师和学生一起朝着一个共同的目标工作,那就是制作美丽的音乐,增强我们的社区, 并成为学院和音乐系招生增长的一部分, facilities and reputation,” said Hofer. “我期待着把我所有的精力和努力集中在教学和项目上,这将有助于音乐系继续向前发展.”

蒙特·阿特金森音乐学院前系主任和名誉教授, DMA, 对霍弗为系里所做的贡献表示感谢.

“Dr. Hofer has helped the music department accomplish so much, 包括完成美丽的莫斯表演艺术中心, which has been ranked in the top 25 performing arts facilities in the nation; helping to establish a fine marching band; and leading faculty in restructuring curricula into a forward looking 21st century music program,” said Atkinson.

接替音乐系主任职位的是音乐教授Darin Kamstra, DMA. Kamstra has served as director of jazz studies for 15 years. 他指挥爵士乐团,教授即兴演奏、打击乐、教育学和音乐技术. He serves as principal timpanist/percussionist for the Grand Junction Symphony Orchestra; performs on drum set with the Grand Junction Rockestra and the CMU Faculty Jazz Quintet; and appears frequently as a percussion and jazz clinician and recitalist regionally and nationally. 卡姆斯特拉还为高中生建立了Jazztopia爵士工作室和CMU爵士音乐节, both of which are in their sixth years. As an active composer and arranger, Kamstra’s works are published by Tapspace, Walrus Music publications and Grand Mesa Music Publishers.

“我很荣幸被任命为这个职位,我的同事在提名过程中表现出的信心令我感动。,” said Kamstra. 来自朋友和校友的支持也势不可挡. 我期待着在加尔文·霍费尔敬业的领导下取得成功,并期待着找到进一步加强该部门的机会.”
