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Board of Trustees vote unanimously not to raise costs for students

The CMU Board of Trustees voted unanimously not to raise the cost of education at CMU for the 2020-21 academic year. The decision complements the university's recently announced Safe Together, Strong Together Initiative — a science- and health-based planning initiative for returning to campus in the fall.

"What makes pp电子极速糖果 an incredible institution is that every single decision made by CMU is based on what is best for our students,CMU的理事说 丹佛商会 总裁兼首席执行官Kelly Brough. “今天提交给我们的预算, 特别是, the decision not to raise tuition or room and board for the next year, reinforces what I call our 'North Star' principle of always placing students first."

Brough moved to approve the budget and trustee Ron Davis quickly seconded the motion. Davis has a history of supporting low-income and first-generation students through the nonprofit organization that he founded, 《pp电子极速糖果》的学者.

CMU Trustee Daniel Ramos complemented the work being done by CMU and expressed appreciation for efforts to keep CMU affordable for students. Ramos was a first-generation college student who has remained active in higher education since serving as a student leader.

"I want to applaud CMU for their creativity and for making tough decisions that maintain the integrity of the university,拉莫斯说. "I am really excited to vote yes for this budget and make sure we can continue to provide access for our students."

在给学校的电子邮件里, CMU校长蒂姆·福斯特说, "The natural impulse for universities facing their own budget difficulties is to raise tuition and fees to cover shortfalls. I asked the trustees to join me in not moving in that direction and am pleased they agreed,福斯特写道。. "You might wonder how or why CMU would choose to not raise tuition or fees when eroding economic conditions indicate all institutions will face significant financial challenges in the coming years. 这个问题的答案就在我们所服务的学生身上."

CMU投入努力确保第一代, 低收入和非传统的学生不仅受到欢迎, but are a large part of the university's focus when it comes to student services. CMU believes a tuition increase this year would be shortsighted because it would impact the very students who may be challenged to return in the fall.

受托人艾莉森·格里芬,她是 白板顾问他代表提议的预算发言.

"Mr. Chairman I am looking at this through a national lens," said Griffin. "For decades universities have seen tuition increases as the only way to cover their costs, 长期以来,学生们一直承受着这种负担."

Griffin said the students bearing that burden are not just any students but are specifically those who are first-generation and/or low-income, 他们带着天赋和才能来到校园,丰富了CMU.

“这是一个艰难而大胆的决定, but not raising tuition is in the best in interest of our students, and the CMU approach to alternative cost savings could be a model for other institutions in the state or in the region."

Difficult decisions are likely in the months and years ahead for all universities as federal and state support for higher education remains uncertain. CMU plans to modify operations and identify cost savings in the weeks ahead. Foster believes the approved budget acknowledges that despite inevitable saving measures, they must not be implemented at the expense of students at a time when families are experiencing stress and financial constraint.

"The trustees reinforced their role as state-wide leaders today," said Foster. "They understand a quality education has no value if those students we serve can't afford it. I'm glad the trustees took this action even as many others throughout the nation are pressured to increase tuition to fill shortfalls."

Prior to the vote CMU received recognition from national credit ratings agencies like Moody's who confirmed the financial strength of the university. Former Board of Trustee Chair Doug Quimby reinforced the importance of CMU's previous decision as being the reason CMU can avoid raising tuition during the upcoming year, and that past governance has contributed to CMU's financial strength today.

"I've spent a lot of time looking at this budget and these numbers, and this is an extraordinarily good news budget given the times we are in,昆比说. Quimby echoed previous sentiments that the zero-tuition increase "puts students first."

CMU Board of Trustee Chair David Reed concluded the discussion after the vote.

“我们需要创新,我们需要灵活,”里德说. "Zero increase in tuition and room and board speaks to our duty in that regard."

CMU President Tim Foster will host a virtual meeting with CMU parents on Monday and will continue to engage CMU stakeholders and solicit public feedback on the on the Safe Together, 强大的共同规划过程.


作者:David Ludlam