
The 堆肥设施 is a student-run operation which provides ecological and functional skills training in composting, education and selling compost to the public.

We’re located on the WCCC campus at 2508 Blichmann Ave in Grand Junction. 电邮至 (电子邮件保护) for more information or questions.

Come by any time, we're always open!

对旅游感兴趣吗?? 电子邮件我们 and we'll get back to you with information for you and your group or class of students.

红色错误图标 Our facility does NOT accept the following items:

Fats, oils, meat, dairy, human waste, animal waste, glass, plastic or metal. Please remove rubber bands and twist ties. We cannot take tree trimmings or yard waste as our facility is not big enough – please bring tree and yard trimmings to the Mesa County Green Waste facility.



请到 主教校园 from the F 1/2 Road Entrance. 
